
These are photos I have taken throughout this semester in MEJO 180 (Foundations of Photojournalism)

Kimberly was very close to catching a fish and was very focused, however, it didn’t latch onto her rod. Taken on (9/17) at Johnny Mercer’s Pier in Wrightsville Beach, NC.
Kimberly is tired after a long day of unsuccessful fishing on Johnny Mercer’s Pier in Wrightsville Beach, NC on 9/17.
Annie and Sarah (front pair) and Casey and her partner (second pair) mimic the leaders in learning a step in Phillips 385 at 7:30p.m.
Madeline (floral shirt) and Nita (black shirt) are in front and Sarah (red top) and Annie (yellow dress) are behind them. They are practicing a spin move at Phillips 385 at 7 p.m.
Claire is the founder and main coordinator of the garden. Here she is talking to volunteers over a bucket of potatoes on Nov. 6 at 4:15 p.m. at the Community Garden behind the Newman Center.
Three volunteers working in the garden at 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 6.
These are two of the main crops of the garden, with volunteers in the background at the Community Garden on Nov. 6 at 4:00 p.m.